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Luxury Roman Villa

Revisiting a 3D visualisation I did some time ago: the Roman Villa of Weyregg (Upper Austria).
This villa is a great example of how archaeology, geophysics, remote sensing and 3D modeling can be integrated to produce results that help to better understand an archaeological site and, at the same time, disseminate it to the public.
Archaeological excavations were undertaken by the Universität Salzburg and OÖ Kultur, revealing new outstanding mosaics, wall paintings and heating systems of this luxurious Roman villa. The ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik carried out the archaeological prospection of the villa (using GPR and magnetometer).
Using all the available information and interpretations, I created this 3D visualisation of this Roman Villa next to the beautiful lake of Attersee.

Animation explaining the scientific background

Roman Villa of Weyregg - West view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - West view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - Southeast view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - Southeast view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - East view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - East view

Roman Villa of Weyregg - main entrace

Roman Villa of Weyregg - main entrace

Roman Villa of Weyregg - detail

Roman Villa of Weyregg - detail

Roman Villa of Weyregg - detail 2

Roman Villa of Weyregg - detail 2

Roman Villa of Weyregg - view from the lake Attersee

Roman Villa of Weyregg - view from the lake Attersee